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2023년 12월 영문 반부패 뉴스레터

  • 작성자이승은
  • 게시일2024-01-29
  • 분류뉴스레터
  • 조회수148,592

ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter (Dec. 2023)


ACRC Attending the 10th Session of the CoSP to the UNCAC

Efforts should be Exerted to Eradicate Corrupt Practices Personally Encountered by Civil Petitioners and Public Officials

Establishing a Fair Recruitment Environment

The Number of Collective Complaint Mediations “Doubled” in 2023, Resolving Long-standing Issue Raised by 120,000 Local Residents

Administrative Appeals Autofill Request Form Service being Expanded and Now Covers 51 Agencies



콘텐츠 정보책임자

  • 콘텐츠 관리부서
  • 전화번호

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