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영문 반부패 뉴스레터 (2018년 1분기)

  • 작성자변규태
  • 게시일2018-05-17
  • 분류뉴스레터
  • 조회수1,907

영문 반부패 뉴스레터(2018년 1분기)


ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter Q1 2018


▷ 공무원의 민간청탁 금지 및 퇴직자 사적 접촉 신고 의무화 (´18.1.9.)


Public officials was prohibited from making improper solicitation towards private citizens


The ACRC amended Code of Conduct for Public Officials which includes provisions of conflicts of interest prevention and prohibition of improper solicitation to private citizens.



▷ 청탁금지법 시행령 개정안 16일 국무회의 의결, 17일 시행 (´18.1.16.)


A amendment to the enforcement decree of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act approved at a Cabinet meeting


The ACRC adjusted the upper limits on congratulatory or condolence money and gifts so that the act takes root in the daily lives of ordinary citizens as well as in the public office.



▷ 국민들이 직접 반부패 로드맵을 만든다 (´18.1.22.) 


The public themselves built an anti-corruption roadmap


The ACRC gathered diverse public opinions through the People's Idea Box on e-people and reflected these public opinions into establishment of the Comprehensive Five-Year Anti-Corruption Plan.



▷ 권익위, 2018년 업무계획 ‘청렴한 사회, 신뢰받는 정부, 행복한 국민’ (´18.1.26.)


ACRC reported work plan for the year 2018 on January 25


The ACRC will carry out the policies to realize the slogan of "more transparent society, more trusted government, and happier people" in the year 2018.



▷  ‘2018년도 반부패·청렴정책 추진지침 전달회의’ 개최 (´18.2.12.)


ACRC held a meeting to convey the 2018 anti-corruption policy enforcement guideline


The ACRC plans to carry out anti-corruption policies based on its '4 Free Anti-Corruption Policy Agenda' to realize transparent Korea.



▷ 2017년도 부패방지 시책평가 결과 발표 (´18.2.13.)


Announcement of the result of 2017 Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment


The Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment conducted for 256 public sector organizations indicated a close correlation with the results of the Integrity Assessment.



▷ 반부패 전문가 “한국은 이제 전 지구적 반부패운동 지도국” (‘18.2.19.)


An anti-corruption expert said, "Korea is a leader in the global anti-corruption movement"


The Korea is now making advances in the promoting the rule of law through the impeachment of President, the conviction of Samsung leader, passage of the important Kim Young Ran law.



▷ 국제투명성기구의 ’17년 부패인식지수 발표에 대한 국민권익위원회 입장 (´18.2.22.)


ACRC clarified its position on the release of CPI 2017 by the Transparency International


The ACRC is fully committed to improving integrity awareness and spreading anti-corruption culture so that Korea’s national integrity level can be remarkably enhanced.



▷ 제6회 국민권익의 날 기념식 개최 (´18.2.27.)


ACRC hosted the 6th "Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Day" ceremony


12 groups and 99 persons, including whistle-blower who reported a suspicion over concealment of automobile defect, received awards for their contribution to enhancing the people's rights or spreading of a culture of integrity.



▷ 한국 ‘부패영향평가 제도’, 미얀마에 도입된다 (´18.2.28.)


 Korea's Corruption Risk Assessment to be introduced in Myanmar


The ACRC and UNDP discussed way to introduce " Corruption Risk Assessment" with high-ranking government officials of Myanmar through an webinar.



▷ 기업고충 유발하는 ‘소극행정’ 공무원 수사‧감사 대상에 오른다 (´18.2.28.)


Public officials who offer "passive administration service" will be subject to investigation & audit


The ACRC analyzed the causes of civil complaints from businesses and established a standardized model for their resolution for the past three months.



▷ 청렴사회 민관협의회 발족 및 제1차 회의 개최 (´18.3.6.)


Korea launched Private-Public Consultative Council for Transparent Society


The council discussed the basic plan for creation of transparent society and the Comprehensive Five-Year Anti-Corruption Plan for the implementation of the anti-corruption reform.



▷ 내부 공익신고자에 역대 최고 보상금 2억 6,728만 원 지급 (´18.3.14.)


All-time large reward of maximum KRW 2.67 Billion has been paid to an whistle-blower


The ACRC paid financial rewards worth KRW 5.05 billion to 56 reporting persons whose reports contributed to the recovery of improper benefits.



▷ 검찰과 경찰이 범죄·부정부패 수익 환수를 위해 발 벗고 나섰다 (´18.3.16.)


Prosecutors and police took initiative for recovery of proceeds of crime and corruption


The prosecution and police newly established teams dedicated to tracking of money laundering and concealed criminal proceeds.



▷ 문재인정부 “정부혁신 종합 추진계획” 발표 (´18.3.20.)


Moon Jae-in administration announced “Comprehensive Action Plan for Governmental Innovation”


The Korean government push forward with governmental innovation that helps raise the quality of people's lives, going beyond internal administrative reform.



▷ 권익위, 튀니지에 국민신문고 첫 해외수출 (´18.3.25.)


ACRC's first overseas export of e-People platform to Tunisia


A ceremony for e-People system opening was hosted on March 23 in Tunisia, with attendance of the Vice-Chairperson of the ACRC and Tunisian high ranking public officials.



▷ 의료분야 부패‧공익신고로 383억원 상당 국가재정 환수 (´18.3.27.)


ACRC announced the result of analysis on 1,228 cases of reporting from the medical field


KRW 38.3 billion worth medical care benefits have been restituted to the national finance, as a result of reporting corruption and public interest.



▷ 2018년 고위공직자 정기 재산변동사항 공개 (´18.3.29.)


Regular public disclosure of changes in high-ranking public officials' property for 2018


The average amount of reported property of 1,711 public officials who have the duty of disclosure under the authority of the Government Ethics Committee was found out to be KRW 1,347 million.


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