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Kyrgyz high-level public officials visit Korea to learn anti-corruption policies

  • Date2014-05-12
  • Hit2,320
The ACRC hosts an anti-corruption training seminar as a follow-up to the Kyrgyz President's visit to Korea

On February 11-14, the ACRC held a training seminar for high-level officials from the Kyrgyz Republic, in accordance with the request of the Kyrgyz Office of the President. Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev met with Chairman Lee Sungbo of the ACRC during his visit to Korea in November last year, and requested for cooperation to eradicate corruption in Kyrgyz.

At present, the Kyrgyz government plans to create an anti-corruption body, and has been examining the functions of the new anti-corruption agency and coordination of the roles of related organizations. In this context, the Kyrgyz government requested the ACRC to share Korea’s experiences.

The seminar was attended by 7 high-ranking public officials of anti-corruption related agencies in Kyrgyz, including Vice Secretary of the National Defense Council Djumakadyrov Temir, and First Deputy of Prosecutor General Bekmurat uulu Temirbek. The participants leaned about the anti-corruption systems of the Korean government such as the whistleblower protection & reward system, the Code of Conduct for Public Officials, and the asset declaration system for public officials, as well as the Integrity Assessment, which won first prize at the 2012 UN Public Service Awards.

  During the seminar, the Kyrgyz officials visited the Supreme Prosecutors' Office, which concluded an MOU with the ACRC last year, to gain information about the activities of the newly launched anti-corruption department. They also visited the Seoul Metropolitan Government, which was selected as the best organization in the Integrity Assessment in 2013, and learned about the anti-corruption programs of Seoul, including the "One-strike-out system" for the officials who receive bribes, and the legislation of the ordinance related to protecting public interest whistleblowers.

The participants rated Korea's anti-corruption system as an advanced one, showing great interest in the Integrity Assessment and the whistleblower protection & reward system. The Kyrgyz delegation is planning to report the outcomes of the training seminar to the Kyrgyz President.

The ACRC will continue to contribute to building the anti-corruption capacity of Kyrgyz public officials and increasing integrity in the nation. Furthermore, the Commission plans to expand its technical assistance in the anti-corruption field to other Central Asian countries such as Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.