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About ACRC

  • ACRC consists of a total of 15 commissioners including 1 Chairperson (minister-level), 3 Vice-Chairpersons (vice minister-level), 3 Standing Commissioners and 8 Non-standing Commissioners. To deal with administrative tasks, the secretariat is set up, divided into three bureaus of Ombudsman, Anti-Corruption and Administrative Appeals. They are headed by each vice-Chairperson. The status and independence in work of all commissioners are guaranteed by the law.
  1. Standing Commissioners

  2. Non-Standing Commissioners

  3. Central Administrative Appeals Commission

  4. Vice Chairpersons
    (Secretary General)
  5. Planning & Coordination office
  6. Anti-Corruption Bureau
  7. Inspection&Protection Breau
  8. Vice Chairpersons
    Ombudsman Bureau
  9. Institutional Improvement Bureau
  10. Vice Chairpersons
    (Administrative Appeals)
    Administrative Appeals Bureau

Affiliated Organizations