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The Government to tighten restrictions on the post-employment of public officials

  • Date2015-01-08
  • Hit1,658
June 25, 2014

The revised draft of the Public Service Ethics Act passed the Cabinet meeting

The Ministry of Security and Public Administration announced that the revised drafts of the Public Service Ethics Act and the Enforcement Decree of the Act, which enhance restrictions on the post-employment of public officials, were passed at the Cabinet meeting on June 17.

The government submitted the revised draft of the Public Service Ethics Act to the National Assembly on June 23, and enforced the Enforcement Decree of Act on June 25.

According to the revised Act, retired public officials will be subject to an employment restriction when they intend to get a job not only in profit-making private enterprises, but also in public service-related organizations that are directly related to safety supervision, regulation on licensing and approval, and procurement; universities and educational foundations; general hospitals and related foundations; and social welfare foundations over a certain size.

The period of the post-employment restriction will be extended from the current two years to three years immediately after a public official's retirement.

For high-level public officials in the second grade or higher, the standard for determining "relationship with official duties" will be significantly expanded from the current "department" to "organization" to which he or she belonged for five years immediately before retirement.

In addition, the record on public officials' re-employment for 10 years after retirement will be disclosed to the public as well as the results of the review by the public service ethics committee on approval of re-employment.

With the Enforcement Decree coming into effect, the size of the private enterprises, which are subject to the employment examination, has been downward adjusted from the "paid-in capital of not less than KRW 5 billion" to KRW 1 billion, and from the "annual turnover of not less than KRW 15 billion" to KRW 10 billion. The post-employment ban will also be applied to the associations that the central or local governments entrust work to, or appoint or approve the appointment of the members of.