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Chairman Lee Sungbo introduces the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act at the OECD Integrity Forum

  • Date2015-03-27
  • Hit3,051

Chairman Lee Sungbo of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) visited Paris and London from March 25 to 27 to explain the overall anti-corruption policies of Korea, including the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act which recently passed the National Assembly.

In his opening address delivered at the OECD Integrity Forum on March 25, Chairman Lee introduced the purport and contents of the new Act along with the changes it is expected to bring about in Korean society.

In particular, he emphasized the Korean government's efforts to uproot wrongful practices caused by nepotism and favoritism by fundamentally eradicating corruption-causing factors such as improper solicitations.

The ACRC Chairman's speech was requested by OECD Secretary General Angel Gurría, who expressed a keen interest in Korea's new anti-corruption act. Deputy Secretary General William Danvers of the OECD also welcomed the enactment of the Act, and suggested sharing the new Act among other countries. According to the ACRC, this indicates the international community's huge attention to and support for Korea's anti-corruption efforts.

Following his visit to Paris, Chairman Lee attended the 2nd Korea-UK Anti-Corruption Seminar that was held on March 27 in London.

Participants including the representatives of the ACRC, the UK Ministry of Justice, and British Standards Institution (BSI) presented the main content of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act and whistleblower protection systems of Korea and the Bribery Act 2010 and BS 10500 Anti-bribery Management System of the UK.

Recently, both Korea and the UK have been intensifying efforts to eradicate corruption while strengthening their anti-corruption laws and policies. The seminar was aimed at introducing ways to prevent problems caused by corruption to Korean businesses in London as corruption can not only incur legal liability to companies but also damage their reputation.

"Korea-UK Anti-Corruption Seminar" is a part of the "Korea-UK Anti-Corruption Partnership Initiative," which the ACRC and the UK Foreign Commonwealth Office have been implementing for one year since last April. The first seminar was held in Seoul on last December 9 on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day designated by the United Nations.

The second seminar was joined by more than 50 participants including branch managers of 10 Korean businesses in London such as the Bank of Korea, Korea Export and Import Bank, Industrial Bank of Korea, Hyundai Marine and Fire Insurance, and Samsung Life Insurance thanks to the active support from the Korean Embassy in London and the London branch office of Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA).

During his visit to London, the Chairman had bilateral meetings with Minister Francis Maude of the Cabinet Office and Director David Green of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). He introduced Korea's major anti-corruption efforts including the Bill on the Prevention of False Claims of Public Funds and the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, while learning about the UK's experiences of implementing the UK Anti-Corruption Plan and the Bribery Act.

Chairman Lee said, "I hope this visit has served to enhance national integrity and thus strengthen national competitiveness by introducing the Korean government's anti-corruption efforts and achievements to the international community and promoting exchanges of anti-corruption policies with the OECD member countries."