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ACRC pays approx. KRW 630 M in compensation to 56 reporters of corruption/public interest violation

  • Date2017-11-24
  • Hit1,359

The aggregate amount of revenues recovered or expenses saved by national and public organizations reaches about KRW 4.3 billion

 A decision has been made to pay compensation, etc. of about KRW 630 million to 56 reporters of corruption or public interest violation. With this decision, a total of KRW 2,869.31 million has been given to reporters of corruption or public interest violation during 2017.

The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC, chairperson Pak Un Jong) paid a total of KRW 362.68 million in compensation to 16 corruption reporters, a total of KRW 32.84 million in prize money to 5 corruption reporters and a total of KRW 244.27 million in compensation to 35 public interest whistleblowers. As for the aggregate amount of public institutions’ revenues increased, etc. due to these corruption or public interest violation reports amounts to more than KRW 4.3 billion*.

* Corruption reports: KRW 3,026.71 million; Public interest whistleblowing: KRW 1,310.38 million

The ACRC differentiates between corruption reports and public interest whistleblowing and pays compensation of up to KRW 3 billion for corruption reports, and in the case of public interest whistleblowing, up to KRW 2 billion. In case where reports of corruption or public interest violation significantly contribute to property gains, prevention of loss or enhanced public interest in public organizations, KRW 200 million is rewarded to the reporters.

Examples of compensation paid to corruption reporters include: (a) KRW 149.176 million to a person who reported a construction company that overbilled the construction costs for a tunnel after building the tunnel differently from the original design; (b) KRW 71.792 million to a person who reported a manufacturing company that received a government subsidy for innovative technology development project and used the subsidy for other purpose; and (c) KRW 10 million to a person who reported a shipping company that overstated the size of a vehicle used for shipping on consignment for post office and overcharged the shipping fees.

Examples of compensation paid to public whistleblowers include: (a) KRW 112.006 million to a person who blew the whistle on a pharmaceutical company that offered a cash rebate under the pretext of paying lecture fees, etc. to a doctor at a medical center with which the company has business dealings; (b) KRW 9 million to a whistleblower that reported an insurance company that used errors in the basic files of variable insurance products to the advantage of certain policyholders, helping them realize short-term gains; and (c) KRW 8.71 million to a person who reported a director of a hospital that illegally ran two nursing homes and received cash several times from his trading partners.

 Given that acts of corruption or public interest violation such as unlawful construction or illicit transactions, etc. are disclosed by reports of whistleblowers who take the risk of facing disadvantageous actions, the ACRC will continue to make sure that all public interest whistleblowers are fairly compensated for their reporting by securing adequate budget and expediting the process of handling reported cases.