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  • Date2020-11-12
  • Hit847

The ACRC, together with the TI, is holding the first virtual edition of the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) on December 1-4, 2020 (extended date : Nov. 30 - Dec. 5).

The ACRC, together with the TI, is holding the first virtual edition of the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) on December 1-4, 2020 (extended date : Nov. 30 - Dec. 5).


Under the theme of Designing 2030: Truth, Trust & Transparency, the Conference aims to promote the transparency and anti-corruption agenda for the next decade and strengthen our collective efforts to build a fair and sustainable future, especially for the younger generations and the most vulnerable.


It will also discuss emerging economic and governance risks arising from the COVID19 global pandemic and their impact on anti-corruption and transparency efforts.


Heads of international organizations such as OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, and President of WEF Borge Brende will also join the Conference to share their view and opinion with people around the world.


The registration for this virtual edition of IACC is free to everyone at 19thiacc.pathable.co.


With your support and participation, we believe we could have the power to make a meaningful difference and to strengthen the global efforts in fighting corruption.