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ACRC will turn People's Ideas into institutional improvement

  • Date2021-02-17
  • Hit654

ACRC will turn People's Ideas into institutional improvement

- An idea for institutional improvement on People's Idea Box with many likes and responds will be reflected in institutional improvement or policy suggestion process -

January 8, 2021

Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission

The Republic of Korea

When an idea that a citizen posted to improve institutions on “People's Idea Box” receives many likes and responds, it now will be reflected in the institutional improvement or the policy suggestion process.

On the 8th this month, the ACRC is set to begin receiving ideas for institutional improvement from citizens on "People's Idea Box," a policy engagement platform run by the ACRC, in order to increase the people's participation.

The ACRC advises public organizations to improve unreasonable laws, regulations, institutions, policies, etc. that cause injustice and corruption in our society or inconvenience for citizens. Since its inception in 2008, the ACRC has made some 900 suggestions for institutional improvement with a 95.3% acceptance rate by the public institutions, and has prevented corruption and addressed people's grievances by amending and improving every kind of laws, regulations, ordinances, guidelines, among others.

In particular, the ACRC is recently collecting people's opinions on People's Idea Box about major social issues that the people pay much attention to, including real estate commissions, electric scooters, protecting rights and interests of delivery workers, and is pushing forward with the improvement of institutions.

To that end, the ACRC added a page named "the ACRC will turn people's ideas into institutional improvement!" on People's Idea Box where citizens upload an idea for institutional improvement, and when it receives a certain number of likes, the Commission would ly review whether the idea can be reflected in the institutional improvement process and share the result.

For example, concerning "people's idea of the month" that receives the most responds and likes each month among different citizens' ideas posted on People Idea Box, the ACRC shares what was the review result and what will happen next on the website, and provides the final result where the idea leads to an institutional improvement through a press release, YouTube video, etc.

In the process, the ACRC will identify matters requiring urgent responds for corruption prevention and grievance resolution for the people, or issues that have been repeatedly raised via e-People, etc. to work on the institutional improvement process on its own, even though these issues haven't received many likes.

However, a request to punish certain people; and an idea that includes violent, suggestive, hateful, or discriminating remarks; or involves defamation or spreads false information, which is irrelevant to institutional improvement, will be excluded.

ACRC Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui stated that "the ACRC should go beyond from the traditional way of identifying tasks and carrying out institutional improvement to advance the system into a bottom-up public participation model where the ACRC communicates with citizens and makes institutional improvement on issues that people want to change.

We will aggressively push forward with improving institutions by reflecting the demands of the people so that citizens can experience the change.