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ACRC, “Cracks Down on Corruption and Public Interest Violations with the People”

  • Date2021-06-14
  • Hit697

ACRC, Cracks Down on Corruption and Public Interest Violations with the People


- Convenient and far-reaching corruption and public interest reporting

- Sound whistleblower protection and active reward system

- Systematic public finance recovery system without loopholes


(18 May 2021, ACRC)

The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui, ACRC) revealed that it has made progress in preventing acts of corruption and violations of public interests through citizens’ proactive reporting as well as its sound protection and reward for whistleblowers and legislation of a public finance recovery law over the last four years since the current government came to power.

  • docx 첨부파일
    ACRC, “Cracks Down on Corruption and Public Interest Violations with the People”.docx