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ACRC, “Made 329 Visits in On-site Civil Complaint Counseling Program"

  • Date2021-06-14
  • Hit728

ACRC, Made 329 Visits in On-site Civil Complaint Counseling Program and Ran 1.6 Laps Around the Earth (65,800km) over the Last 4 Years


- Protected some 170,000 individuals’ rights and interests, and addressed conflicts and wishes involving 110,000 residents through mediation of 234 collective complaints

- To concentrate capabilities on legislating a mediation of collective complaints law to resolve social conflicts


(20 May 2021, ACRC)

The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) has made 329 visits across the nation where citizens ask for help for the on-site civil complaint counseling program and drove 65,800km, a distance equivalent to run 1.6 laps around the earth, over the last four years. It also has protected some 170,000 individuals’ rights and interests that had been violated by resolving 234 collective civil complaints that had been pending in the respective localities for years.

  • docx 첨부파일
    ACRC, “Made 329 Visits in On-site Civil Complaint Counseling Program and Ran 1.6 Laps Around the Earth (65,800km) over the Last 4 Years”.docx