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ACRC Compiled Excellent Anti-Corruption Policies That Have Led Establishment of Integrity Culture

  • Date2021-09-15
  • Hit744

ACRC Compiled Excellent Anti-Corruption Policies That Have Led Establishment of Integrity Culture for the Last 4 Years in the Moon Jae-in Administration


- The ACRC published a casebook of 100 anti-corruption policies
from 78 public organizations -


(31st Aug. 2021, ACRC)

Since the inauguration of the Moon Jae-in administration, public organizations have implemented various anti-corruption policies to enhance integrity. Now, by compiling excellent cases, 100 Excellent Anti-Corruption Policy Cases in Public Organizationshas been released.


The Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission (Chairperson: Jeon Hyun-Heui, ACRC) selected 100 excellent cases of 78 organizations among those cases identified in its Anti-corruption Initiative Assessment in the last four years, and published them in a casebook to support uninterrupted anti-corruption reform in the 5th year of the Moon Jae-in administration.


* The ACRC assesses various anti-corruption policy efforts made by different public organizations and their effect every year, such as plan for anti-corruption, improvement in the areas vulnerable to corruption, and spreading achievements


The Moon Jae-in administration was inaugurated in May 2017 and proclaimed that anti-corruption, integrity and fairness are the most important value in the national affairs. Ever since, it has been making pan-government efforts to complete anti-corruption reform.


Every year, the ACRC evaluates anti-corruption efforts of each organization through internal and external expert panel, and it has announced excellent cases of anti-corruption policies in each organization.


For this year’s casebook, the commission carefully selected 100 cases which had great impact to citizens, big social ramification, or high applicability to the field.


All the best practices included in the casebook were commonly the efforts to improve the entire process through internal analysis of vulnerable areas, enhancement of internal culture, operation of various anti-corruption systems, participation in policies, and greater promotion.


There were organizations that made efforts to strengthen their own mechanism to prevent conflict of interest by prohibiting incumbent public officials from recommending retired public officials, and operating refrainment system for reviewing complaints and applications filed by retired employees if any reviewer worked in the same department.


In addition, other organizations collected cases of Gapjil, arrogant and authoritarian attitudes or actions of people who have positions of power over others, internally and externally, categorized by type, published casebook, and created various content, such as YouTube web drama, webtoon, etc. for communication and education in order to root out such practice.


Also there were organizations that allowed active use and participation of citizen inspectors in auditing affiliated organizations, so that they can identify areas vulnerable to corruption from the view-point of citizens and improve the systems.


Along with these cases, the commission included challenges and counter-measures to enable other organizations to apply them to their situation.


The commission plans to distribute the casebook to public organizations in an e-book format, while making it available on the ACRC webpage for the general public who are interested in anti-corruption policies. It will also wage a public campaign by creating integrity-related content, such as videos.


Director General Han Sam-Seok for Anti-Corruption Bureau said, “the ACRC expects that this casebook becomes a good guidebook for organizations, so that they can refer to it whenever they need.” He also added, “the ACRC will continuously identify and share excellent policies from organizations in an active manner to encourage many other organizations to make anti-corruption efforts together. Also, it will make its best efforts to show tangible outcome to citizens.”

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    (210831) ACRC Compiled Excellent Anti-Corruption Policies That Have Led Establishment of Integrity Culture for the Last 4 Years in the Moon Jae-in Administration.hwp