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ACRC and UNDP to Continue to Cooperate to Spread Korea’s Anti-Corruption Policies to Developing Coun

  • Date2022-01-07
  • Hit711

ACRC and UNDP to Continue to Cooperate to Spread Korea’s Anti-Corruption Policies to Developing Countries


- ACRC-UNDP MOU has been extended for two more years -


  • On December 1, the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC, Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui),signed an extension of the Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for two years to December, 2023for sharing of Korea’s anti-corruption policies with developing countries. The ACRC-UNDP MOU was first signed in December, 2015.


  • An Sung Uk,Vice Chairperson and Secretary General of theACRC and Anne Juepner, Acting Director of the UNDP Seoul Policy Centerhad met on the 23th of last month and discussed the extension of the ACRC-UNDP MOU on anti-corruption conversed about newareas for cooperation.


    At the meeting, they reaffirmed that the two agencies’anti-corruption policy sharing projectsof the past six years were excellent at maximizing the strength of the both agencies, with the ACRC providing anti-corruption policy information proven effective and the UNDP delivering the information with standardized manual through its global networks to developing countries.


    They agreed to share Korea’s knowhow on digital anti-corruption policy as a new area for cooperation. By doing so, they would provide assistancesto developing countries in utilizing digital technologies in the anti-corruption era.


  • To date, with the policy sharing projects, the two agencieshad introduced Korea’s Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment and Corruption Risk Assessment to countries around the world.


    Based on the success of their existing cooperative model, the ACRC and UNDP Seoul Policy Center have now chosen Clean Portal, which is ACRC’s digital anti-corruption platform, as a new cooperative project. They agreed, in principle, to start the project of sharing Clean Portal with developing countries from next year.


    Clean Portal (www.clean.go.kr) is an online platform for corruption and public interest reportingoperated by ACRC.With the online reporting system, citizens can easily report violation of Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, acts of corruption, and acts infringing on public interest.On the portal, they can also check their consultation related to their report and the status of their report. The digital corruption and public interest violation reporting system allows for proxy reporting without disclosure of reporter’s real name, guaranteeing watertight protection for reporters.


An Sung Uk,Vice Chairperson and Secretary General of the ACRCsaid, “I am confident that with the extension of the MoU, Clean Portal, Korea’s excellent anti-corruption digital platform, could be a practical help for developing countries in enhancing their integrity level”.

ACRC and UNDP to Continue to Cooperate to Spread Korea Anti-Corruption Policies to Developing Coun

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    (211203) ACRC and UNDP to Continue to Cooperate to Spread Korea’s Anti-Corruption Policies to Developing Countries.docx