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ACRC makes 2022 the first year to leap forward with its digital platform for the people’s rights_

  • Date2022-02-15
  • Hit1,369

“For the better good of the people,”

ACRC makes 2022 the first year to leap forward with its digital platform for the people’s rights and interests


- Prevention of the infringement of the people’s rights and improvement of policies by enacting the “e-People Act” and connecting, integrating, and analyzing big data in the public and private sectors -


- Making public “Vision 2022 of the reliable digital platform for the people’s rights and interests” -



ACRC Chairperson releasing the “Vision 2022 of the reliable digital platform”


The Anti-corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) is planning to advance its “Digital platform for the people’s rights and interests” by grafting the state-of-the-art digital technologies such as metaverse and AI, in order to make a virtuous cycle where the infringement of people’s rights and interests is fundamentally resolved and policies are improved.


At this time of great transition to the digital era, the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (Chairperson Hyun-Heui Jeon, hereinafter ACRC) released the “Vision 2022 of the reliable digital platform for the people’s rights and interests” to switch and expand individual petitions into national policies.


At present, the ACRC operates the e-People system, which is the representative government digital communication system where 1,074 central administrative agencies, local governments and public institutions are closely connected, and 13 million civil complaints are resolved on an annual basis.


Also, the Commission has taken the lead in fundamentally resolving the inconvenience of the people by collecting opinions of citizen sat “People’s Idea Box,” a representative portal for the people to participate in the policy-making process, using the opinions for institutional improvements and analyzing big data of civil complaints in a scientific way.


At this time of great transition to the digital era, however, there remained needs to fundamentally resolve the inconvenience of the people and civil petitions and to actively collect people’s ideas and suggestions and reflect them in policies, by grafting more advanced digital technologies.


Therefore, the ACRC will accelerate the enactment of the “e-People Act” proposed at the National Assembly on January 3 and lay the foundation to leap forward with its digital platform for the people’s rights and interests by organizing a “task force for the digital platform.”


The system will expand the range of public institutions connected to e-People to all public institutions across the country and provide an automated information service about the policies that match the requests of the civil complainant even after resolving the civil complaint.


Moreover, it will realize the system to enable people to use the services of all public institutions with a one-time verification of the identity by connecting all institutions closely.


A chat-bot system will be introduced to give answers on a real-time basis to repetitive questions or the complaints many people are interested in, while complicated or difficult petitions will be automatically transferred to and processed by the concerned institution.


The metaverse technology will be applied to the People’s Idea Box so that citizens can participate in the form of an avatar in the virtuous cycle of policies, from discovering a policy agenda, decision-making, evaluation, to feedback. By securing up to 100,000 citizen panels, the People’s Idea Box will serve as a window to collect opinions on the government policies.


For the big data analysis of more than 13 million civil complaints and policy proposals accumulated every year, the internal data of the ACRC (administrative appeals, anti-corruption, Integrated Government Call Center (#110), etc.) and the external data of the public and private sectors will be connected and integrated in the form of clouds to be analyzed.


In this way, it will strengthen the function of forecasting civil complaints that predicts and s the damages directly related to the people’s daily lives, such as the recent urea solution shortage issue or pandemic situations, including COVID-19.


In addition, it will provide the EASY Administrative Appeals Service which gives customized ruling examples by administrative disposition type and helps appellants to fill out a written appeal automatically if they input certain information when claiming the administrative appeal.


Besides, it will enable people to use avatar when making corruption and public interest reports so that the identity of a reporter will not be exposed.


ACRC Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui said, “The digital platform for the people’s rights and interests will not only strengthen the digital competitiveness of the government but also realize the one-stop service for the people and significantly improve the quality of their lives.”


She also added, “This year, the ACRC will focus on digital innovation to make the establishment and operation of the digital platform for people’s rights and interests successful, for the better good and convenience of the people.”




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