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ACRC, “ Complaint Big Data Containing Voices of the People will be Used by National Assembly in_"

  • Date2022-06-14
  • Hit1,153

ACRC, “ Complaint Big Data Containing Voices of the People will be Used by
National Assembly in Developing Public Policies”

- Korea National Complaint Map visualizes region-specific complaint issues based on analysis of 1,500 complaint big data -


(May 12, 2022, ACRC)


On May 11, at the National Assembly, ACRC(Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui demonstrated National Complaint Big Data Map, a joint project with the National Assembly Secretariat and talked about how to cooperate for the service.


Korea National Complaint Map which is based on complaint big data representing voice of the people will be used for legislative activities and policy development by the National Assembly.


On May 6, the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC, Chairperson Jeon Hyun- Heui) launched big data based Korea National Complaint Map, developed jointly with the National Assembly Secretariat (Secretary General Lee Choon Suak), on its Complaint Big Data At a Glance webpage (bigdata. epeople.go.kr) and linked to the website of the National Assembly Secretariat.


* Complaint Big Data At a Glance web page > Analysis information > Complaint Keywords > National complaint keywords, Top 10 regional key words


The ACRC and the National Assembly Secretariat have closely cooperated after singing an MOU in March to conduct a joint project of complaint big data analysis for public policy.


The ACRC operates government-wide citizen communication channels to listen voices of the people, such as e-People, Government Call 110, and Government Complaints Counseling Center.


Each year, the ACRC analyzes more than 1,505 complaint big data and provides the result containing citizen inconveniences and policy issues and etc. to some 1,799 public organizations, so that voices of the people could be reflected in public policies of organizations at each level.


The ACRC-National Assembly Secretariat Joint Project analyzed 1,500 complaints received on e-People last year and shows region-specific complaint keywords (17 cities and provinces and 228 cities and districts) by gender and age on the big data based Complaint Map


As for issue keywords, the most frequent keyword is ‘apartment’ with the great interest of improvement of property values and housing environment, such as housing re-development, application for apartment sales in lots, construction design and management, and installment repair.


The second most frequent keyword is ‘transportation’ requesting safety and expansion of infrastructure such as intercity trains and subways, followed by ‘education’ including requests of parents in their 30s and 40s who are worried about safety for their child to and from school, asking for establishment of a school in residential areas and assignment of their child to such school. ‘Bus’ is the fourth most frequent keyword demanding the removal of bus service-related inconveniences such as by creating new intercity bus routes and shortening bus intervals and reports filed on bus not stopping at a bus station.


By ages, those in their 30s accounted for the largest proportion of the complainants at 37.8%, followed by those in their 40s at 30.3% and 50s at 16.0%. As for key words by age groups, teens and twenties concerned ‘education, transportation, military service and student loan’ the most. Key words of 30s, 40s and 50s are ‘apartment, transportation, new town, and education.’ The age group of 60 to 79 concerned ‘apartment, transportation, taxation, and health care’ the most.


By region, Gyeongi-do took the biggest proportion at 43.6% (5,520,925), followed by Seoul at 15.9% (2,015,130), Incheon at 7.9% (996,023), Busan at 3.8% (551,664) and Daegu at 3.7% (544,653).


Three metropolitan areas that have large population large number of apartment supplies and new town development projects took up some 70% of the entire complaints, with top key words being different depending on regional characteristics.


With the project, the ACRC will enhance social awareness on the value of complaint big data use and promote the usage of complaint big data analysis result as supporting data in resolving citizen inconveniences and social issues.


ACRC Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui said, “Complaints concern inconveniences and grievances facing citizens in their daily life. They are important data for not just government policies but also legislative procedure of the National Assembly.”


She added, “ The ACRC will carry out joint projects of complaint big data link to implement citizen-centered policies.”



  • docx 첨부파일
    (220512) ACRC, “ Complaint Big Data Containing Voices of the People will be Used by National Assembly in Developing Public Policies”.docx