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ACRC Sharing Korea's Anti-Corruption Policy Performances at the APEC ACTWG Meeting

  • Date2022-08-17
  • Hit2,413

ACRC Sharing Korea's Anti-Corruption Policy Performances at the APEC ACTWG Meeting


A presentation on strengthened protection and confidentiality of corruption whistleblowers and major content of the Act on the Prevention of Conflict of Interest Related to Public Servants

  • Korea's anti-corruption policy performances will be shared at the 35th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Anti-Corruption and Transparency Experts Working Group (ACTWG) Meeting, held in Thailand for two days from August 17.


    The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC, Chairperson Jeon Hyun Heui) will participate in the ACTWG meeting and deliver a presentation about strengthened protection and confidentiality of corruption whistleblowers and the major content of the Act on the Prevention of Conflict of Interest Related to Public Servants.


  • APEC ACTWG meeting, a place for economies to share their trend in anti-corruption and discuss international solidarity, is held every February and August, engaging anti-corruption experts, including working-level officials of anti-corruption agencies from 21 APEC member economies, and international organizations of anti-corruption, such as United Nations (UN).

    The ACRC, a government agency overseeing anti-corruption in Korea, will present major progress and development of the implementation of UNCAC. The presentation will include the amendment of the Act on Anti-Corruption and the Establishment and Operation of the ACRC, regarding the strengthened protection and confidentiality of corruption whistleblowers, and the Prevention of Conflict of Interest Act, enforced this year.


    In addition, major anti-corruption policy performances in Korea, such as developing Integrity and Ethics Compliance Program Guideline for voluntary adoption of a culture of integrity among public institutions, will be shared.


  • Along with the progress and development of the implementation of UNCAC, various items will be covered at the meeting, including the ACTWG update for 2022, establishing ACTWG Strategic Plan 2023-2026, empowering the media's inclusion in the fight against corruption, and plans for hosting the ACTWG meetings in 2023 by the US.

  • ACRC Assistant Chairperson of Planning and Coordination Office Lim Yoon-Ju said, "The international community acknowledges anti-corruption as fundamental international rule and principle for economic growth and development. The ACRC will make every effort to actively share Korea's endeavor for anti-corruption with the international community, particularly for economic cooperation and mutual assistance in anti-corruption in the Asia-Pacific regions.


  • docx 첨부파일
    (220817) ACRC Sharing Korea's Anti-Corruption Policy Performances at the APEC ACTWG Meeting.docx