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ACRC, Participating in Meetings of AOA Board of Directors and General Assembly

  • Date2023-09-11
  • Hit645

ACRC, Participating in Meetings of AOA Board of Directors and General Assembly

- Vice Chairperson Kim Tae-Gyu was elected as the member of the AOA Board of Directors -


On September 11, Kim Tae-Gyu, Vice Chairperson of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC, Chairperson Kim Hong-Il), participated in the meetings of the Asian Ombudsman Association (AOA) Board of Directors and the General Assembly held in Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, to discuss major agenda items.


Asian Ombudsman Association (AOA)

AOA is an Asian ombudsman fraternity established in 1996 with the aim of spreading the concept of ombudsman in the Asian region and facilitating alternative dispute resolution through the sharing of policies and experiences of each country. AOA has 44 members from 25 countries, and the Republic of Korea is one of the founding members, playing its role as a member of the AOA Board of Directors with full membership.


* General Assembly: Held every other year (in the odd years), Board of Directors meeting: Held annually


Ombudsman: The term refers to a mediator, arbitrator, and observer in Swedish, originating from the establishment of the Ombudsman in Sweden in 1809, which oversees legal compliance by the Judiciary and public officials from the Executive branch as representatives of the Parliament.


Ombudsmen representing 44 institutions from 25 Asian countries participated in the meetings of the Board of Directors and General Assembly.


Major agenda items include Reports on the Activities of the Association 2019-2021 and 2022/23, followed by Approval of the Audited Statement of AOA Accounts for the Years 2019-2022, Expanding Membership of AOA, Consideration of Applicants for Membership of AOA, and Conduct of AOA Elections 2023.


At the General Assembly meeting, elections were held to select members of the Board of Directors who will serve a four-year term and play a role as key decision-makers. Vice Chairperson Kim Tae-Gyu was elected for the position of the member of the Board of Directors, representing the Republic of Korea. ACRC is expected to continue its important role as a leading ombudsman within the Asian region.


During the AOA Conference scheduled for September 12 following the two aforementioned meetings, attendees discussed cooperation measures for the protection of the rights and interests of citizens under the theme of addressing current issues and solutions regarding the protection of social human rights, as well as the roles of public institutions in promoting effective and widespread human rights activities.


ACRC Vice Chairperson Kim Tae-Gyu said, “We will be committed to promoting the advancement of AOA and mutual cooperation by sharing various best practices of ACRC resolving the grievances of the people with members of the AOA.”

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    3. (230911) ACRC, Participating in Meetings of AOA Board of Directors and General Assembly.docx