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Indonesia Revisited Korea to Promote Anti-Corruption Cooperation

  • Date2023-09-25
  • Hit733

Indonesia Revisited Korea to Promote Anti-Corruption Cooperation

- Re-signing of the ACRC-KPK MOU on cooperation in combating corruption





□ The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC, Chairperson Kim Hong-Il) seeks to strengthen cooperation and support for anti-corruption by re-signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on cooperation in combating corruption with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) of Indonesia.


ACRC Chairperson Kim Hong-Il and KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri signed the “Korea-Indonesia MOU on cooperation in combating corruption” on 25th September at the Government Complex Sejong.


ACRC signed its initial MOU on cooperation in combating corruption with KPK of Indonesia in December 2006. Under the MOU, the two commissions actively engaged in anti-corruption cooperation until their exchanges were temporarily halted due to the outbreak of COVID-19.


□ The re-signing of the MOU was initiated at the request of Indonesia, acknowledging the necessity for ongoing anti-corruption exchanges and cooperation between the two countries. Under this MOU, over the next three years, both countries will share their policies and experiences regarding the prevention of and fight against corruption, while cooperating to enhance their capacity and provide technical assistance in anti-corruption institutions.


In particular, ACRC will continuously provide support to ensure that Korea’s anti-corruption policies are implemented and enhanced more effectively, such as “Integrity Assessment*” and “Corruption Risk Assessment**,” which have been introduced and implemented in Indonesia.


* Integrity Assessment: a system designed to evaluate the level of integrity within public institutions and to encourage them to identify and improve corruption-prone factors

** Corruption Risk Assessment: a system designed to prevent corrupt behaviors in advance by identifying corruption-causing factors within laws and regulations, establishing improvement measures, and recommending them to competent agencies


□ ACRC Chairperson Kim Hong-Il said, “Korea and Indonesia have been enhancing our anti-corruption capacity through ongoing exchange and cooperation in anti-corruption practices. We believe these efforts can serve as global best practices of the implementation of the UNCAC. We anticipate that the signing of this MOU will further facilitate the cooperation between the two countries.”

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    1. (230925)Indonesia Revisited Korea to Promote Anti-Corruption Cooperation.docx