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ACRC, Attending the 10th Session of the CoSP to the UNCAC

  • Date2024-01-22
  • Hit269

ACRC, Attending the 10th Session of the CoSP to the UNCAC


- Vice Chairperson Chung Seung-Yun presented key achievements in anti-corruption practices, including the Comprehensive Integrity Assessment of public institutions -


The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) presented Korea’s major accomplishments in anti-corruption practices at the 10th Session of the Conference of the States Parties (CoSP) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) held in Atlanta from December 11 to 15.


The Korean delegation, led by Vice Chairperson and Secretary General Chung Seung-Yun, participated in the 10th Session of the CoSP to the UNCAC, where 190 States Parties were in attendance.


The CoSP to the UNCAC has convened biennially since its inaugural session in 2006, which serves as a platform for discussions over reinforcing efforts and fostering international cooperation in the prevention and fight against corruption.


Since the National Assembly ratified the UNCAC in 2008, Korea, as the State Party, has remained committed to implementing the Convention, both domestically and internationally.



< Overview of the UNCAC >



• Official name: United Nations Convention against Corruption

• Purpose: Aimed at improving the quality of life for global citizens suffering from

corruption by combating corruption that undermines democracy, ethical values, and

justice and jeopardizes sustainable development and the rule of law

• Current status of the States Parties: 190 States Parties (As of October 10, 2023)

• Signature: December 10, 2003, Entry into force: December 14, 2005

• Ratification by National Assembly: February 29, 2008


At the CoSP, ACRC presented Korea’s anti-corruption efforts made over the past year, encompassing the establishment of the Integrated Center for Reporting on Hiring Irregularities, publication of the Integrity and Ethics Compliance Program Guideline for businesses, and introduction of a mobile application enabling citizens’ convenient participation in the Comprehensive Integrity Assessment of public institutions.


Throughout the CoSP, scheduled until December 15, discussions over the prevention of corruption, asset recovery, and technical assistance and international cooperation for the prevention of corruption were held. Several resolutions, including the “Atlanta Declaration” on “promoting accountability in the fight against corruption,” were adopted.


In addition, ACRC had bilateral meetings with other parties, including Australia’s National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) and Austria’s Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption (BAK), aiming to share anti-corruption policies of respective countries and establish the foundation for cooperation.


ACRC Vice Chairperson and Secretary General Chung Seung-Yun said, “The UNCAC is the only legally binding universal anti-corruption convention. With this regard, the implementation of the Convention and sharing practices of enhancing anti-corruption laws and institutions with other States Parties have significance in the anti-corruption efforts made by the international community. I hope that our efforts in discussing Korea’s exemplary anti-corruption institutions with the international community and sharing them through international cooperation will contribute to preventing and combating corruption.”

  • docx 첨부파일
    1. (231211) ACRC, Attending the 10th Session of the CoSP to the UNCAC.docx