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ACRC Held Briefing Sessions by Region for Early Settlement of the Conflict of Interest Prevention_

  • Date2022-05-19
  • Hit1,087

ACRC Provided a Forum for Public Discussion
with Target Institutions for Safe Landing of 2022 Comprehensive Integrity Assessment That Has Been Revised

Marking the first year of evaluation of public institutions using completely revised comprehensive integrity assessment (CIA) system, the ACRC chairperson had direct in-person communication with target institutions for successful conduct of CIA

(April 13, 2022. ACRC)

The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) held the 2022 Comprehensive Integrity Assessment Workshop for Target Public Institutions on three occasions on April 13th, 19th, and 20th with officials in charge from 573 institutions attending.

This year marks the first year when the Comprehensive Integrity Assessment System completely reorganized through integrating the Integrity Assessment (IA) and Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment (AIA) that had been carried out for the last 20 years.


The Workshop held at an important juncture for the new assessment system to be conducted for the first time since its reorganization is very meaningful in that it provides a venue for direct communication with public institutions covered and for their better understanding about the restructured assessment model and indicators.


On April 13th, the Workshop was attended by a total of 98 public institutions, including 46 central administrative agencies and 17 offices of education and upper level local governments. In particular, Chairperson met officials in charge from the public institutions subject to the assessment to explain ACRC’s past anti-corruption policy achievements, the meaning and purpose of the revision to CIA, and make requests during the Workshop.


ACRC officials responsible for each assessment indicator of CIA also explained the assessment system and indicators, and had time to satisfy curiosities that officials in charge at the targeted institutions have had related to the revised CIA through a Q&A session.


On top of this, 226 municipalities and 249 public institutions, including public service-related organizations, public universities and hospitals, attended the Workshops on 19th and 20th April, respectively.


In the CIA to be carried out for the first time starting this year, comprehensive integrity level of each public institution will be derived by aggregating the scores of: (a) integrity perceptions measured by a survey of the general public who have experienced the service of public institutions and the internal members about their corruption perceptions and experiences; and (b) integrity effort that evaluates anti-corruption efforts of public institutions at various levels through their CIA indicator performances and effects, and lastly subtracting the score of (c) the status of corruption cases that actually took place in public institutions from the sum of (a) and (b).


After it collects opinions through the workshops, etc., ACRC plans to announce the CIA grade of each institution around January next year based on their scores aggregated by conducting an integrity perceptions & experiences survey starting in August and evaluating the performances in the integrity effort indicator for the year of 2022 starting in November.

ACRC Anti-Corruption Bureau General Director Han Sam-Seok said, “In order for the newly structured comprehensive integrity assessment system to be successfully implemented and established, correct understanding and active cooperation of public institutions are above all else,” adding that “Beginning from these Workshops, ACRC will continue to create opportunities to provide accurate information and communicate with regard to the new assessment system so that it can be conducted in a fair and objective manner that both citizens and public servants agree.”

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