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ACRC Introduced 'Conflict of Interest Prevention Systems' at the G20 ACWG Meeting

  • Date2023-04-26
  • Hit557

ACRC introduced “Conflicts of Interests Prevention Systems” at the G20 ACWG Meeting


Actively participated in discussions by making a presentation on cases of promoting the integrity of anti-corruption agencies


(March. 1st 2023, ACRC)


The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC, Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui) participated in the 1st 2023 G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) meeting held in India from March 1 to 4 and introduced anti-corruption policies, including a system for filing reports against persons with private interests according to the Act of the Prevention of Conflict of Interests Related to Duties of Public Servants.


The meeting has been held every year since 2010 for international cooperation in anti-corruption and the country holding the Presidency decides and provides major anti-corruption agenda and adopts deliverables, such as anti-corruption principles established through discussions among member countries, as year-end G20 annex.


Delegates from member countries, including India, the G20 Co-Presidency, and Italy, and delegations from international anti-corruption organizations, such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), participated in the recent meeting.

Major agenda items of discussions on establishing G20 anti-corruption principles included improving information sharing for fighting corruption, strengthening asset recovery mechanisms related to corruption crimes, strengthening law enforcement cooperation for action against corruption, and promoting the integrity of public bodies.


The South Korean delegation participated in and reviewed the discussions on establishing principles concerning the major agenda items. In particular, on March 2, with regard to promoting the integrity of anti-corruption bodies, the Korean delegation shared the operation of a system for filing reports against persons with private interests pursuant to the “Act on the Prevention of Conflict of Interests Related to the Duties of Public Servants.”


ACRC Assistant Chairperson of Planning and Coordination Office Lim Yoon-Ju said, “The ACRC will further promote the solidarity and cooperation with the international community for anti-corruption by actively participating in a range of discussions on anti-corruption at the G20 ACWG meeting this year.”


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    1. (230301)ACRC Introduced 'Conflict of Interest Prevention Systems' at the G20 ACWG Meeting.docx